Time to Give Back - Support a Cause, Earn a High Five

With all the cost cutting and selling stuff around the house, I've mentioned before about supporting a friend who has undertaken a charitable endeavour. The cause I've chosen to support is the World Wildlife Foundation, and the friend I'm supporting is Lindsay. She climbs the CN Tower every year to support this worthwhile initiative. And really, why wouldn't I support her? I like animals. I like Lindsay. It seems a no brainer. That said, I'm going to post the link to her fundraising efforts right here,  Who knows, maybe I can push a couple extra bucks in her (WWF's) direction.

I feel this shark would totally high five me for donating to Lindsay and the WWF!

I once read that no one has ever gone poor by giving to charity. I believe it. Now, I'm not saying to throw all your money at a charitable cause, but try giving a bit if you haven't already. You'll feel better for it. If you do give, you know it's true. Know who else feels good? The friend you support. So, if giving to a charity doesn't give you the proverbial warm and fuzzies, making a friend feel good should.  Besides, maybe you will be high fived by a shark and that'd be amazing!

I don't have much else to say at this point. I still haven't bought anything. I continue to minimize belongings. I just wish, sometimes, there were more hours in a day. I can't sell alcohol, which I have an abundance of. Christ, I gotta be close to a friggin' car payment with what I have in the booze cupboard (albeit a small, domestic car after a sizeable down payment). If only I could sell the kids' toys from underneath them. Come to think of it, there are kids used clothing stores that buy kids used clothes ... hmm ... stay tuned for that 'cause these monsters continue to grow at a ridiculous rate!

Coco out.


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