Pinterest & Facebook - Online Clutter

I have likely spent close to two hours decluttering some of my online presence over at Pinterest (feel free to click here and see some of my organizing skills, or lack thereof). I have created new boards, deleted stuff I don't even know why I pinned in the first place and tried making some of the descriptions personal to my experience. I could probably work through an entire weekend organizing that online space. What a disaster!

This online, virtual clutter is a lot like physical clutter. I don't even know how many used pallet project pins I deleted. It was ridiculous. Ocean contain home pins? I'm estimating that count to be in the +/- 120 range. When am I ever going to get to building a home out of ocean containers? I'm not even handy. And the half dozen earthship homes? 'Cause that's a reality at this stage in my life. I'm struggling to find ways to retrofit my current house in a fiscally responsible (read: affordable) manner, but I'm posting as though I'm going to go buy a plot of land, get some permits, build from scratch and live in a dream house.  Yet, I can't seem to delete my ocean container pins. I feel like I've invested this time in pinning them and with some time to read the instructions I've pinned, I could probably build that ocean container home I've been dreaming about. *rolls eyes, slouches in sadness* Hopefully if you're reading this I've deleted a majority of the pins there. If I'm still in that 120 range, give me a few more days. Mmm ... make it weeks. Actually, let's not put a timeline on it, 'cause it's not exactly a priority.

The point? There is such a thing as online clutter. Can it be as stressful as physical clutter? Absolutely. Look no further than Facebook.  Clutter is everywhere, even online. You likely experience this with pictures you post or like. Your friends might take the liberty of cluttering your timeline for you. How awesome is that? You know the ones - the people who flood your wall with their 'likes' of cat memes. I like a good cat meme as much as the next person, but do I need to know the 20 you liked in the last hour? Shit no. Same goes for groups. I need to find out how to turn off notifications for groups. Sure, I like tea, but do I care about some stranger's order they're waiting for in the mail? No. No one does. It's not even interesting pictures of food like the ones people post on Instagram with the hashtag #foodporn. It's literally someone posting that they haven't received the tea shipment they placed a day or two ago. Sometimes there is an accompanying screenshot of their order. Not sure if that makes it better or worse, but if ever there were first world problems, the extra day you had to wait for gourmet tea is one of them. Can't I just leave the group? No. I got the heads up they were discontinuing the Candy Cane Crush and Chocolate Covered Almond teas. I'm ashamed to admit that that piece of information was considered important to me. I don't even know who I am anymore.

Coco out.


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