8 Day Streak Still Alive

It's funny how walking about a mall when you're not allowed to buy anything new is, well, a bit of an eye opener. I might see something I want, but I immediately think a.) I don't need it or b.) I wonder where I can find it, or something like it, used. It's only been 8 days but I find my resolve has only gotten stronger. I'm also becoming less and less attached to the stuff I still own. I'm starting to see that I don't need all the t-shirts I have. I'm just not excited to wear them. I like them, but I'm not overly enthused when I pull a couple of them out. Okay, so not every piece of clothing I own is going to make me want to throw a celebration at the thought of putting it on, but I'm starting to lose that anxiety at the thought of donating shirts I previously would not have parted with. Same goes with what's left of my DVD collection. Too bad my local library isn't accepting donations. I think I could sleep a little more soundly knowing my collection is just a short walk away.

Something else I have been enjoying these last eight days is time with my kids. What I'd like to do is bring my oldest son with me for the next clothes donation. He's three, has a knack for copying me, and I'm hoping that translates into him picking out some toys to donate once I show him how it's done. As parents, we really are molding our kids in our image. We are their trusted source for 'life.' How we treat others, how we treat ourselves, that's what will be considered 'normal' to them. If they see dad (me) giving away (donating) clothes and other items, it won't be so strange when it's their turn, and believe me, their turn is coming! My two (two and three years old) aren't old enough to understand buying second hand. I'll explain that to them later, but the act of giving, or for them, sharing, is understandable. They can relate. We tell our kids to share, but how often do we share? Here it is in action, boys. Sharing isn't just cause dad said so. It's because dad shares too. So the purging will continue between garbage, donations and selling items.  I haven't sold anything lately, but I got a sweet snow board I wouldn't mind trading in for a pair of parabolic skis. There is a nice selection on Kijiji, not that I've been looking or anything.

Coco out.


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