Install and Use What You Have

Installing and using what you have should be a given, but I'm not so sure it is. I can't be the only person in the world who received something over a year ago and hasn't gotten around to using/installing it. I think I got it last Christmas, but it could have been even longer than that. This safe has been sitting in my closet, empty, and keeping me from being able to functionally use said closet all that time. Today that changed. Today I installed that safe. It now sits empty, on a wall but out of my closet. So, is it being used? No, not yet, but I'm sure I can find some stuff to put in there, or is that counterintuitive to my mission? Meh. I don't care. I've reclaimed space by getting if off the floor and it feels good. I'm not sure what feels better - the space I now have or knowing I finally took care of that task. Regardless, it's less clutter and that makes me feel pretty good.

I also installed some other thing in the kitchen. It's part blackboard, part pen/paper holder. It basically holds the mail we need as well as pens/markers. To my wife's credit, it does look better on the wall rather than sitting on the kitchen counter. I'm sure if I look hard enough I'll find other stuff to install around the house, but the kids have been put down for a nap, so there's a temporary moratorium on drilling and hammering and anything else that would disturb the slumber of those two boys.

Down time for dad or more time to sort through the 'stuff' I don't need/want? I'm going to go with down time. This process isn't an overnighter and as I like to say (perhaps I say it too much), "Rome wasn't built in a day."

Coco out.


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