Selling Off Duplicates

Not only have I refrained from purchasing stuff since I gave up stuff, I also sold my old Kobo eReader. That's $50 in my pocket and one more electronic device out of the house. I can comfortably sell my Kobo because all my Android devices (all two of them) have the Kobo app on them. I don't need a dedicated device when I have a Nexus 7" tablet (albeit, old and on it's last legs) that does the same thing, minus the amazing battery life.

Looking around the house it's easy to start identifying duplicates. That little point and click camera? Easily replaced by my phone. My four spatulas? Who needs four spatulas? No really, I have four and each one seems to be specialized. I have one for eggs in the little pan, one for pancakes on the griddle ... I wish I was kidding. Sad as my spatula situation is, the point is that duplication exists and only adds to clutter. Perhaps it'd make a good starting point for someone who wants to start minimizing. I imagine it'd be easier to get rid of something you have two (or four) of versus something you only have one of.

RIP Kobo eReader ... you'll live on in my apps collection.

That was my yesterday. As for today? Well, I've listed my snowboard for $100 and immediately had a bite. The potential buyer had questions I couldn't answer, but when I get a chance I'll investigate for him and hopefully end up with $100 in my pocket and some extra space in the garage.

Coco out.


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