$25 Richer

When some of the minimalists say the benefits of purging can also be financial, they aren't lying. I sold, perhaps a little cheaper than I should have, a set of dumbbells.  It was a set of 40 lbs I was given, but never used, and I managed to get $25 for them. They moved quickly too - within about an hour of posting them on a Facebook group I already had a buyer lined up. Not only are these things out of my way and off the landing collecting dust, they are no longer stressing me out about what to do with them. I've got $25 in my pocket! Obviously I won't be buying 'stuff' with that money, but I'm free to do with it what I want, be it donating a portion to a friend's charitable endeavours or buying the kids some hot chocolate.

Speaking of hot chocolate, the kids and I went tobogganing at a tiny hill that backs on to a school today. They were lured back home with the promise of lunch and hot chocolate. The more I read on minimalism, and similar lifestyles, the more I come across the theme of getting out of the house and going outdoors or to a library or anywhere the family can be together and just enjoy that time together. I'm fortunate that my kids love going outside and the time of year doesn't really seem to matter to them. Sure, we all prefer to wear shorts and sandals in the summer, but as long as my wife and I are willing to put in the herculean effort of getting their snow gear on, the kids will go outside to build snow men, snow forts or toboggan at the smallest hill. Today I got to go down the hill with them, at times on the sled or frantically running beside them. The laughs and smiles from those two boys were priceless. Therein lies a benefit of minimalism - taking the focus off of items and focusing on family. It's the first day of 2017 and I've never felt more on the right foot. 

You'll have to excuse me, the boys are waking from their naps and we have mounds of laundry to tackle ... even after a closet purge ... well, my closet anyways.

Coco out.


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