Sports (Hockey) on the Cheap

I've been playing hockey as a goalie for, good Christ, going on 24 years. Man, that makes me feel old. Playing goalie has likely aged me prematurely, too. My knees. My back. I feel like I'm thirty-something going on eighty. Despite my love of the position, something I've always wanted to try was playing out of the net. The problem is I don't have any player equipment. I have my lacrosse helmet and gloves which can pull double duty, but I lack everything else. So, how am I to realize my dream at the weekly beer league shitshow? Borrow.
Luckily I live in Canada. My brother-in-law had equipment to lend me for this week's game. Two of my co-workers are pitching in some used, beater equipment for me to continue pursuing my awesomeness in the weeks to come. I can finally play outside the crease and I don't have to buy a single piece of equipment. I also get an absolutely killer cardio workout at least once a week. Not sure how I feel about that with the whole feeling eighty years old sometimes. I thought I was going to die after one game playing forward.

This kid looks like Wayne Gretzky compared to me.

If you've got a sport, or position you'd like to try, before spending money on something you might not like or really, really suck at, see if any of your friends or family have equipment you can borrow. As much as I could go to a Play It Again Sports, or peruse the classifieds, to get around buying new, I still don't want stuff . My garage is a disaster 'as is' and kid's stuff continues to dominate the lay of the land around here. By borrowing I'm not buying new, nor am I adding to the clutter, well, not on a permanent basis anyways.

Keep your stick on the ice.

Coco out.


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