Drinking to Declutter?

I've sorta fallen off the blogging wagon, but I've had a pretty sweet weekend in terms of family, decluttering and continuing the 'not buying anything new' streak. The problem with the blogging wagon is that Blogger won't let me post pictures from my phone and if I try it just fails to post. I couldn't use my Chromebook either because, well, I left it at home while the family and I spent the weekend at the mountains.

Decluttering, however, was pretty profitable. I just sold my old snowboard for $100 and used a gift card for booze. Scratch that, I used two gift cards for booze.  Now, I hadn't planned on buying any liquor until I drank what I have (and I have a small collection), but most of it wasn't even for me. I grabbed myself a couple ciders and a seasonal beer. Not exactly partying it up, but I suppose parenthood puts a bit of a damper on drinking like a freshman at a frat house.

I'm surprised sometimes how many gift cards people carry around with them. Wallet clutter! Wallets are already thick enough with driver's licenses, health cards, business cards, company ID, etc. The last thing anyone needs is a gift card with $4.37 on it. Drinking the clutter away becomes a bit of a win-win. I get rid of these wallet fattening cards and I get to have an adult beverage with adults, once the kiddies grant permission by finally going to sleep.

If you're keeping a running tally, I'm up to $175 from Kijiji sales and a friend of mine is even interested in selling her stuff for her for a cut of the sales. Not bad. Who knew selling used stuff online could be so rewarding? Decluttering and paying for a weekend away skiing. Not bad!

Coco out.


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