BOGO Experiences

Despite the title of this blog post including the popular consumer term "BOGO," I haven't actually bought anything new. It's been well over a month and I'm still surviving. There are a few things I should probably start researching or asking around for. Not buying new isn't going to come easy without being prepared.

Something you can't buy used are experiences. Those are always going to be new and hopefully you can indulge in time with family and friends more often as a result of not buying stuff.  What does that have to do with BOGO? Our family happened to have a coupon for an hour of free bowling because we held our oldest son's birthday at a bowling alley last year. Part of the birthday package included a free hour of bowling for a later date, hence "buy one, get one" free. Not everything you do, or everywhere you go will have a BOGO offer, but it's worth looking into. I know Medieval Times sometimes has BOGO free on admissions. Airlines sometimes have BOGO half off their fares. It's one thing to save money by not buying stuff, but it's even better when you can save money on making memories!

Smiles are way better than a new shirt, pants, phone case, etc.

Well, I still have to buy a honing stone and strop for my straight razor. Luckily I have a few more cartridges for my Mach 3 or Mach 5 or whatever it is, so I will be able to shave while I search. I found a small tear on the top of my running shoes, so I'll likely have to start sourcing a replacement for those. My jacket also has a small tear at the cuff which can't be fixed. I dread having to find a replacement for my jacket. I love that thing.

That's it for now. Just got back in from tobogganing with the fam and the kids are going to be headed to nap land when they finish eating their lunches.

Coco out.


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