First 10k'er Down!

This post is breaking away from my usual minimalist (I'm hitting a plateau in that department), anti-consumerist (still not buying new stuff) and/or reducing my environmental impact (I'm trying) posts. Today's blog focuses on personal health. It's probably just disguised bragging/boasting, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished. What have I done, you ask? Well, I ran my first ever 10k race! The previous 5k races and CN Tower stair climb were for good causes, but I can't even tell you what my 10k was in support of, other than a smorgasbord of local NGO's that work within the geo-political boundaries of Mississauga and, maybe, the Region of Peel. I did this one for me. Sometimes we lose sight of ourselves. We try to do so much for others and the world around us, but what's the point if we're not looking after the person in the mirror? How can we sustain a lifestyle if we don't enjoy it or it runs us ragged? For this 10k, I did it, in all honesty, for no other reason than to challenge myself. I got to run a beautiful 10k route along the Mississauga waterfront and even ended up with a sweet little finisher's medal at the end (yeah, I know, more stuff/clutter).

Nothing says 'athlete' like a hat with #pigeon written on it.

I had hoped to finish in an hour. I managed a time of 53 minutes and 36 seconds. It was a great feeling to cross that finish line. What's even better is that I randomly found a friend of mine that I had previously done the WWF stair climb with. I didn't know she was running this race, and she didn't know I was running. We just happened to cross paths at the warm up/start area. I felt good physically (until the soreness sunk in) and felt great mentally (did what I set out to do AND got some unexpected hangout time with a friend).

I've already registered for another 10k with some friends from work. This time I know the cause I'm supporting - the fight against heart disease and stroke. Stroke wreaked havoc on my family when my grandmother suffered a stroke, ending her ability to live independently. I don't wish what we went through on anyone. She passed away last year on my youngest son's second birthday. Hopefully I can raise some funds and we can save someone's grandmother, mother, sister, brother or loved one. Feel free to donate here.

I really enjoy combining athleticism with doing good. This won't be my last run for a cause. I'm already eyeballing another 10k in October to benefit Sick Kids Hospital.

It's just about bed time for me.

Coco out.


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