Onwards to 2018!

Happy New Year!

I've made it an entire year without buying anything new. I've received a few new things, purchased a couple new hygienic items (that was in the original disclaimer anyways) and bought a whole lot of used stuff. I've purged a lot of items from my personal belongings, though I have plenty more to go. The one thing I hadn't done, up until today (New Year's eve) is shave with a straight razor. Guess what I did today?

Well, I'm still alive, so I got that going for me. I couldn't find a honemeister that would sharpen the blades I have. I couldn't find decent used stones to hone them myself. I was relegated to using the dumpy default one that came with what essentially was a straight razor starter pack I bought used earlier in the year. It sucked. Maybe I sucked at sharpening. I'm not sure. I watched on YouTube as people honed blades and were able to cut a hair by dropping it on the blade. I swear I need a friggin' tetanus shot after the shave I gave myself. I got through the large parts of my cheek beside my ears, but trying to maneuver around my lips, nose, chin bone, etc., was a disaster.

I don't think you can see the cuts/nicks/blood in this picture, but they're there!

The not so funny thing about straight razors is when they do cut, they cut fine ... and sting. The part of the neck I'm trying to expose got cut up pretty good. The most painful slice came above my lip, beside my nose (same side). The other side came out slightly better, though I'm sure that's because I started scraping the hair off rather than shaving the hair off. What an ordeal. No thanks. I said I'd try it though, and I did. My face and neck feel worse for wear, but I did it. Was I successful? No. Just like my attempt at a Try-A-Tri triathlon I wouldn't proclaim mission complete. What's important to me is that I did try and I did learn. A straight razor might not be for me, but there is an eco-friendly alternative to disposables in the safety razor. And you know what? I'm going to give that a try too. I'll try it because it's far more sustainable than disposable razors and I owe that attempt to the next generation - my kids.

I'm off to go enjoy a couple more beverages before the ball drops on 2017, and 2018 is ushered in. I'm not sure where this blog will go in 2018, but stay tuned. We're going to endeavour all sorts of eco-friendly adventures. By adventures, I mean locally. The tires on my truck just cost $1200 to replace. What the f*ck!?! Yes, they're new. Seems like a safety thing to me.

Happy New Year!

Coco out.


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