Boxing Day Jeans for $0.30 versus $300

I just noticed it's been approximately 2 months since my last entry. That's pretty piss poor consistency. It's not like I haven't been busy either. I'm sure I had lots to blog about, and out of all that I'm going to provide a vapid post about how I saved money on boxing day - one of the prime consumer 'holidays' next to Black Friday. God help us all.

Lately I've been in a creative mood. I've made a refined, personalized coaster using a piece of firewood, a wood burning kit and stain/lacquer (picture not attached). I've tried my hand at making healthy treats, such as vegan, gluten-free mint chocolate bark (picture on my Instagram account). I've also made vegetarian (used whey protein powder), gluten-free protein brownies (also on my Instagram account). Maybe I'll post recipes and try to dig up some photos of the coaster, but until then you get the post about fixing jeans. I am sooooo sorry.

So, on Boxing Day, instead of going out and buying a new pair of jeans to replace the ones with the ripped pockets, I took a good half an hour (you try sewing with an inquisitive 3 year old climbing on you) and repaired one of my pairs of jeans for what I assume is less than $0.30 cents of materials. I can't remember when I bought these jeans but it was over a year ago and the pockets started to fray. After an overnighter in Buffalo, NY, USA I tore the insides to shreds. Whoops. Rather than get rid of and replace them, I opted to just try sewing them myself. Here are the results:

Who knew Home Ec class in high school would come in handy?!?

Let's be there's no video tutorial on 'how to sew,' 'cause that'd be boring as all Hell. The sewing job held like a champ today, as my spare change did not roll out on to the floor and my wallet stayed put as well. This job, in my mind, was way too small to bring to a seamster or seamstress. If it wasn't for my 3 year old, it likely would have only taken 5 minutes, or so. I'm sure there are a ton of people would have just tossed 'em and went to buy new jeans, especially with some of the sales on during Boxing Day, but I'm restricting myself. It's not that buying new is bad. In fact, as I close in on a year of not buying anything new I have seen great value in what's dubbed 'slow fashion.' What I think it means, and I could be wrong, is buying quality over quantity and not buying into trends so your style has longevity. Sure, go buy that $200 pair of jeans. They'll likely last longer than the $30 ones and look better too. You'll likely appreciate them more and strive to keep them in good order whereas the $30 pair has an almost 'disposable' status to them. Given I can't buy new, the $20 jeans are definitely not disposable and received the royal treatment. Imagine how far I'd go to keep a pair of $200 jeans in fine, working order!

Well, got plenty more to do that could result in blog entries. Belated Merry Christmas and I should be back before the new year. Who knows where we go after that.

Coco out.


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