My First DIY Garage Gym Piece!

In an earlier post I discussed my internal debate between a home gym and a low-cost gym. I ultimately chose the low-cost gym for a variety of reasons, but as I sit here on weekends, with the low cost gym closed, I wish I had something more than running at my disposal. Now, I'm not going to invest in a home gym. I don't have the money or the space. With a little ingenuity though, I can create something that doesn't take up any floor space and still lends itself to working out. I'm not much of a handyman, but off the top of my head I can redneck something together.

I don't normally workout in sandals. 

What did I slap together? A pull up station! All this pull up apparatus took was 3 pieces of 1" pipe, 2 threaded elbows and 2 floor flanges. I'm actually a bit impressed at how easy this was to do. I'm already trying to draft a fold away dip station in this head of mine. If companies can create fold away tables and beds, surely I can create somewhere to do dips that stashes away. I've been trying to think of how to incorporate it into my new pull up station. I've seen some things with a quick Google search that require little more than PVC piping, but they're a tad bulky. At least they provide the basic structure points. I just have to make it compact.

Off to bed though. Big day with the offspring tomorrow.

Coco out.


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