Goodbye Disposable Razors, Hello Favorite Shorts!

As the disposable razor supply in my house reaches what I'd consider a critical low point, I have, with great patience, found a honing stone. It's a tad dirty and needs a good lapping (flattening), but I have a means to sharpen my old straight razor. Victory! I was starting to give up and even saved a website on my browser for buying new stones and a lapping apparatus. Guess I won't be needing that! I've also found a guy who hones straight razors that works where some friends of mine live, so even without the stone, I'd have a way to sharpen my razor. Ta-da, an environmentally friendly alternative to disposable razors that also supports small business. Not bad.

This is going to take some work ... thankfully there's YouTube!

I also found a seamstress willing and able to fix my favorite shorts. Cost? $12 ... there was more than one hole that needed sewing. 😬 No matter. You'd be hard pressed to find a pair of shorts you'd consider your favorite for $12. Another bonus? It was only a 10 minute cycle from my house. Yes, I 've started cycling to get around. It's environmentally friendly and is helping get me ready for my Try-a-Tri triathlon.

Speaking of triathlons, I was contemplating buying a used cycling helmet until a rash of lice broke out at a friend's kid's daycare. This is why I believe base layers and hats/helmets are okay to buy new. It's for hygienic reasons. You're better safe than sorry.

Well, those are two pretty big wins in my book. I seriously doubted the sharpening stone was going to be found, but patience (and perhaps a bit of laziness) has paid off. Favorite shorts? Salvaged! I'm on a roll here and we'll see what comes next!

Coco out.


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