Onwards to 2018!

Happy New Year! I've made it an entire year without buying anything new. I've received a few new things, purchased a couple new hygienic items (that was in the original disclaimer anyways) and bought a whole lot of used stuff. I've purged a lot of items from my personal belongings, though I have plenty more to go. The one thing I hadn't done, up until today (New Year's eve) is shave with a straight razor. Guess what I did today? Well, I'm still alive, so I got that going for me. I couldn't find a honemeister that would sharpen the blades I have. I couldn't find decent used stones to hone them myself. I was relegated to using the dumpy default one that came with what essentially was a straight razor starter pack I bought used earlier in the year. It sucked. Maybe I sucked at sharpening. I'm not sure. I watched on YouTube as people honed blades and were able to cut a hair by dropping it on the blade. I swear I need a friggin' tetanus shot after...